Archive for month: November, 2013

Is it a man’s man’s man’s man’s day?

18 November, 2013 (15:03) | All articles | By: Stuart Fraser

It is apparently International Men’s Day tomorrow. What a load of nonsense. Any man who feels so sorry for himself that he needs an international day needs to, well, Man Up. What’s it going to mean? Do men get everything of which they dream, for a day? Rampant sexual gratification followed by a visit to […]

A way out of the maze

11 November, 2013 (22:39) | All articles | By: Stuart Fraser

Radio 4’s Moral Maze discussed the legacy of World War One last week. It’s a subject about which you are going to hear an awful lot over the coming months as the centenary of the start of the conflict approaches. Much of what you hear will be utterly banal, exemplified by David Cameron and by […]

The sound of England

4 November, 2013 (22:31) | All articles | By: Stuart Fraser

In my 20s I spent a lot of time in France and Italy, one way or another. I remember agreeing wholeheartedly with the theory that the sound of life around the Med is loud, exuberant, full of chatter and gesture and bustle, while the sound of life in England is a sort of low-pitched, grey […]